this is larley (aka. DevLARLEY/LARLEY).
You might know me from the
VideoHelp Forum or one of the
tools on my
GitHub page, which include:
WidevineProxy2: An extension-based Widevine proxy for EME events
WidevineFetch: A one-click Widevine key retrieval program
LearnystDownloader: An Env. for Learnyst's WebAssembly Widevine protection
amzn-480p-downloader: An Amazon/freevee 480p downloader
wingfox-downloader: An Env. for Wingfox's WebAssembly demuxer
I am particularly interested in the technology behind DRM systems
(especially Microsoft's Playready) and would like to learn as much as
possible about them.
This website is intended to host my notes and articles
regarding certain DRM topics.
+ Inner workings of Playready
+ Protection System Specific Identifiers
+ VdoCipher
+ RSA ClearKey Decryption
+ Overly secure DRM demo